
Oudenbosch, Netherlands - Essential Line

Lux­u­ry in Your Own Gar­den

Finished in the stylish shade Elegant Grey, this Essential Line becomes the radiant centerpiece of a modern, sophisticated garden. For ultimate comfort and effortless elegance, the pool is equipped with an advanced Roldeck® cover and an innovative, energy-efficient water treatment system. This combination of design and technology ensures a harmonious balance between luxury and ease of use.

Luxe in Eigen Tuin 1Luxe in Eigen Tuin 2Luxe in Eigen Tuin 4Luxe in Eigen Tuin 5

& fully personalize to your own preferences

Con­fig­ure this pool

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  1. 001


    Essential 100

  2. 002

    Walk in stairs

    Walk in stairs Essential

  3. 003


    10 x 4 x 1.50M

  4. 004


    Stunning Grey

Look­ing for more in­spi­ra­tion?

Request our inspiration guide now or schedule an appointment to visit our Experience Center in Valkenswaard.